Booklet Home Study Course
After years of planning and development,
JMJ Cheap Traffic School is proud to offer the
ever approved by the Florida DHSMV. As
our student, you are about to take the
first and finest course of kind in
Florida. There is nothing else quite
like it!
This innovative booklet program is
unique in that students can study at
their leisure, anytime and anywhere. 50%
of all Florida traffic school student
completions now occur via a
study-at-home or distance learning
option such as the convenient booklet.
The booklet format is extremely popular
nationwide due to its flexibility, ease
of use, and the ability for students to
read the course anytime, anywhere
without an internet connection.
A booklet course has distinct advantages
over an internet or video course. For
example, many people prefer reading off
a printed page to reading off a computer
screen for a longer time period. You
can take a booklet literally anywhere –
to locations that aren't
computer-friendly, like the beach, the
backyard, on a bus, train or airplane. Designed and written by a Hollywood
screenwriter with many famous television
credits during the 1970’s and 1980’s,
the course is both entertaining,
informative, and fun. There is nothing
in Florida quite like it.
You will be pleased at the quality and
professional design of the course, its
convenience, the easy testing process,
and the learning retention that a
booklet course offers. Our 4-hour
booklet program (like other courses) is
timed, as required by the Florida DHSMV.
You simply call a special toll-free
number at the beginning and end of each
of the five chapters to verify that time
requirements have been fulfilled and
answer one security question. Telephone
agents are available 7 days a week, from
8 am to midnight. Internet verification
is available 24/7. The cost of the book
course is $35.00.
As a provider of multiple courses, we
recommend the book course for its ease
of use and convenience.
Some of the book's advantages to other correspondence courses are: